Sunday 16 October 2011

Poster Analysis

This is a advertising poster for Paramore latest album, straight away you can see the band , big and clearly, so you know exactly who they are, they also have the front cover of the album so if you was to go into a shop looking for it you would know what it looks like. The colours used are yellows, blacks and browns, which also reflect the colours in the image of the band as one band member has a jacket of these colours and the main singers hair colour also matches the colours in the poster. 

The text is all in capital letters to make it stand out to the target audience they are aiming for which would be teenagers it also makes the text feel important and bold. The band name stands out from the rest of the poster because of the different fonts and also the white background surrounding it makes it easier read and it is also the bands trademark font for their band name, it allows that to be recognized.

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